About Us
Unabridged Literary Arts is a human rights-focused arts organization that views the arts and literature as tools for social change.
We aim to raise awareness and increase public understanding of human rights issues through literary and visual arts. At Unabridged, among the myriad causes we elevate, we focus on: anti-colonialism, empowering underrepresented writers, transitional justice and decarceral efforts, combating censorship (like book bans), support for small presses, and working directly with the Rochester community.
This looks like hosting author readings, artist exhibitions, informational panels, and fostering community care and conversation with like-minded organizations.
We’re not just any literary arts organization. Our programming places human rights at the center of the conversation and we are unwavering in our commitment to social justice in all of its forms.
At Unabridged, we believe that all arts organizations are political by nature – just like we believe all bookstores are political by nature. With regards to content, rhetoric, and the broader discussions these respective media foster, we believe that the dignity of all human life is the center of art and literature.